
Invest in the present in order to contemplate the future

The future depends on a sustained development for the creation of value. This is Brasmar’s strategy.

At Brasmar, we believe that the creation of value increasingly requires the integration of several dimensions of Sustainable Development in strategic and operational management decisions.

When we acquire sea products, we must ensure that the fish that remain in the water is sufficient to maintain healthy ecosystems and guarantee the possibility of the continuity of fishing in the future. We pursue the most demanding quality parameters and respect the life cycle of our species, following the criteria for sustainable fishing.

To this end, for some species we have the MSC – Marine Stewardship Council and the ASC – Aquaculture Stewardship Council certifications, which are independent, international and non-profit organisations that promote fishing sustainability.

Environment and Safety

At Brasmar, we are committed to a continuous improvement of the environmental performance and safety of our employees.

Environmental sustainability is part of the Management Strategy of Brasmar, which assumes the commitment of improving the environmental practices throughout the entire life cycle of its products. We are also committed to create healthy and safe workplaces for our employees, therefore obtaining the ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 14001:2015 certifications.

We are partners of Sociedade Ponto Verde, an entity that assumes the responsibility of managing waste regarding the packaging placed in the national market, through an Integrated Packaging Waste Management System. We are also registered with several entities that certify our commitment, such as SIGRE (Integrated Packaging Waste Management System) and ECOLUB (Society for Integrated Management of Used Lubricating Oils).


Every day, our mission is to deliver to our clients the best the sea and nature have to offer. Our team controls all the processes, the labelling and the characteristics of each fish.
At Brasmar, all our production units follow the IFS Food certification standards, which define the food safety requirements for the organisations that aim to distinguish themselves by the excellent quality, food safety and satisfaction of their clients. We have created, for each unit, control systems and procedures that In a permanent search for the quality certification of all its products.

Brasmar also obtained the Halal certification. This certification allowed for the expansion of our target markets, ensuring the certified supply to a group of consumers with great potential in terms of national and international consumption – the Muslim population.

Innovation and Development

At Brasmar, we adopt the innovation of processes and methodologies that constitute a competitive advantage in the market.

We constantly try to adapt to the reality of the markets in which we are present, which means we need to be agile and at the forefront of innovation.
At Brasmar Group, we have three R+D+i teams, who develop, on a daily basis, new projects in terms of frozen, smoked and cooked products.
We strictly cooperate with renowned research organisations, which allow us to access first-hand the most recent technologies and advances in terms of nutrition and food safety.

